Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Assignment 1

In the essay, The Media Affecting Teenage Rebellion, the main research question that was asked was how does manipulation with the media shape teens rebellious behavior.  I find this a very interesting question after just living as an adolescent for the past 5 years of my life and never really thinking about what influences the decisions that I was making.  As the writer talks about in this paper, I would say the two groups with the greatest on me would be my family and my group of close friends.  I say these two groups because they are the ones I spend the most time with and they are the people who are closest to me.  I never took account to the other factors such as media.  No matter what, we are around certain types of media all the time.  Whether it is from TV, magazine, newspaper, internet, etc.  All of these different types of media portray a certain image that teens really follow.  They have such a great influence over these young kids if they see their favorite celebrity or sports player wearing a certain brand or using a certain product.
I like the way the author of this paper explored both sides of rebellion, stating that not all rebellion is bad and that it can be positive as well.  The line that stuck out to me was continuing your own practice and having individual stands and thoughts is not wrong, but an essential part of life.  This essay a nice job of going over the things we went over in class.  For example, having a solid thesis statement and backing it up, keeping the reader informed about both sides of the story, and using primary sources to support their ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Grant---

    I think that, for the most part, you have provided a summary of the essay I asked you to read, instead of a concrete analysis of the essay's features and a comparison of those features to our class discussion. You mention the concept of a "thesis statement", something our class did note, but you do not specify whether this thesis statement is present in the essay, what it is, etc. What other aspects of class discussion did you notice? In the sample essay, did you find the writer adhering to all ideas we discussed in class? Or do you find clear differences? (I think there are elements of both, actually, and so I am interested in hearing what you all think).

    In short, I am glad you liked the essay, but you really need to take more time to include all aspects of the assignment as well as to be specific about your responses.

    You do not need to re-do this assignment, but please take my comments into consideration, at least for in-class discussion tomorrow. :)
